Advertising Policies

Effective on January 1, 2024


Lobox's main goal is to facilitate professionals worldwide in networking, establishing business connections, and advancing their careers. It's crucial that the ads published on our platform truly provide value to our members and address their needs. Therefore, our Advertising Policies are designed to assist you in evaluating how your ads will impact the Lobox platform and our members.

At Lobox, we are committed to diligently working on improving the user experience and ensuring that ads align with the purpose of our platform. These policies aim to enhance the value that ads provide to our members and support businesses in achieving their goals.

Our advertising policies provide a wide range of information, from the content of ads to their target audience. This allows advertisers to design and publish their ads effectively, helping them achieve more impactful results on the Lobox platform.

In order to ensure that our members have a safe and valuable experience on our platform, transparency and consistency are paramount in evaluating the appropriateness of advertisements. Our advertising policies provide a detailed guide on how ads will appear on our platform, who they will reach, and how they will engage with users.

Advertisers contribute to the Lobox community in various ways, including highlighting new products and services or raising awareness about events and issues. To help keep businesses and organizations using our advertising tools safe and create a genuine environment for everyone using our products and services, we have established Advertising Standards that guide what is allowed in Lobox technologies.

Advertisers who publish ads on Lobox technologies must adhere to our Community Standards and Advertising Standards.


For the reliability and user experience of the Lobox platform, advertisements need to be reviewed according to predefined policies. This review process involves a detailed evaluation of the content, visuals, and targeting information of the ads. Additionally, the landing pages and other linked destinations of the ads are also carefully examined. This comprehensive review process is important to ensure compliance with Lobox's community standards and advertising policies.

The review process for ads is necessary to maintain the integrity of the Lobox platform and ensure users have a safe experience. This process involves a detailed examination to ensure the content and presentations of ads comply with established policies. Ad reviews are typically completed within 72 hours, and approved ads are then published on the platform. This way, Lobox users are exposed to ads in a secure environment, preserving the platform's reliability.


In order to learn why your ad was rejected, please contact us. We can provide you with detailed information about why your ad was rejected. Additionally, we can guide you on how to revise your ad to comply with our policies. If you have any other questions or need assistance, you can email us at or write to us here. We're happy to help.


If a violation is detected at any stage of the assessment process, the advertisement will be rejected, and the page or assets where the advertisement was placed may be restricted. While low-quality advertisements may not necessarily violate our principles, they can adversely affect performance. You can find more information on how quality can affect your advertisement on our business help pages.

If a Business Account or assets are restricted, that page or asset cannot be used to advertise on our platform. While a user account may have restrictions on advertising on a page, other members of that account can continue to advertise.


If a violation is identified during the assessment process, the relevant advertisement may be rejected or restricted. This process can impact the presence of advertisers on the platform and affect the status of business accounts. The rigorous application of our principles is crucial to safeguarding the user experience and ensuring the security of the platform.

It is essential for advertisers to create content that aligns with our principles to avoid the acceptance of low-quality advertisements that could affect the success of their ads. Quality content can enhance ad performance and facilitate more effective communication with the target audience. Therefore, it is important for advertisers to strengthen their presence on the platform by creating ad content that complies with our principles.


If you want to update your advertising strategy or revise your existing ads, you can adopt a new approach or reshape your current ads. These changes can make your ads more effective and help you reach your target audience more attractively. For detailed information and editing steps, you can visit the help page.

If you believe that an ad has been mistakenly rejected or restricted, you can request a review to evaluate the quality of your account. This review helps determine whether there is any misunderstanding or error by reviewing the performance and suitability of your page. You can refer to the appropriate resources on the platform to request a review.


Lobox strictly prohibits discrimination based on age, gender, disability, religion, ethnic origin, race, skin color, nationality, or sexual orientation. Advertisements must comply with all laws, including those related to discrimination in areas such as education, housing, credit, and employment.

Inciting Content
As mentioned in the Discrimination section above, Lobox prohibits advertisements that threaten the safety of others based on race, origin, belief, gender, sexual orientation, class, health status, disability status, or immigration status. Additionally, advertisements containing derogatory, belittling, or hate speech based on legal immigration status are strictly prohibited. Moreover, profanity, grammar, and punctuation errors should be avoided. Symbols, numbers, and letters should be used appropriately in a manner that does not mislead the evaluation of the advertisement.

Disturbing Content
Advertisements should not attempt to deceive users in misleading ways. For example, ads containing excessively shocking, sensational, or violent headlines or interaction requests that are not reliable are prohibited. Redirect pages that lead people to a very small part of the actual content and mostly provide irrelevant or low-quality ad content are also unacceptable. Additionally, using crises or controversial events for commercial interests in advertisements is prohibited.

Lobox prohibits advertising unverified content. Advertisers who continuously promote unreliable or misleading information may have their ability to advertise on the Lobox platform restricted. For more information about the policy on false or misleading content, you can visit the Community Policies page.

Prohibited Financial Content
At Lobox, advertisements must adhere to principles of honesty and transparency. Therefore, advertisements featuring financial products and services commonly associated with deceptive or misleading practices are not allowed. Additionally, advertisements based on affiliate marketing are prohibited.

Inappropriate Content
Advertisements on the Lobox platform must not be of inappropriate nature. This means that advertisements should not contain disgusting, rude, obscene, or violent elements. Lobox periodically updates its policies and may determine that a previously approved advertisement is no longer appropriate, especially to comply with new legal regulations or societal norms. Additionally, advertisements promoting the sale of human body parts or fluids are prohibited.

Fraud and Deception
The accuracy and honesty of advertisements published on the platform are of great importance. Your advertisements should fully reflect the true characteristics of the product or service you offer. Every claim in your ad text must be verifiable and based on real foundations. Avoid misleading or false statements about competitor products or services. Additionally, obtain approval from relevant individuals to imply that your product or service has been endorsed or associated by others in your advertisements. Care should be taken to ensure that the prices or offers stated in your advertisement are accurate and valid. In case of any ambiguity regarding discounts, offers, or prices, a clear explanation should be provided through a link in the advertisement. Lastly, advertisements promoting counterfeit goods are strictly prohibited. For more information on deceit, fraud, and deception, you can visit the Community Policies page.

Gambling, Betting, and Cryptocurrency
Advertisements related to gambling and betting, as well as the buying, selling, or trading of cryptocurrency associated with gambling and betting, may be restricted on the platform when necessary.

Fake Documents
The sale or promotion of counterfeit documents on the platform is strictly prohibited. This includes advertising fake IDs, fake diplomas, and similar documents. Advertising such inappropriate content or promoting such services violates our platform's policies and may result in serious consequences.

Malicious Business Practices
As Lobox, we prohibit the promotion of products, services, systems, or offers in advertisements that aim to exploit people's financial assets or personal information through deceptive or misleading practices.

Malicious Software
At Lobox, advertisements published on our platform cannot contain spyware, malware, or other software that may cause users to have unexpected and deceptive experiences. Additionally, advertisements cannot promote products or services that lead to computer hacking, cyber attacks, or harmful software.

Illegal Products and Activities
The legality of advertisements on our platform is of utmost importance. Therefore, advertisements for illegal products, services, and activities are strictly prohibited. Advertisements must comply with all applicable laws, including laws governing permissible content and advertising targeting. Accordingly, in the event of any legal violations, the publication of relevant advertisements is immediately halted, and necessary legal actions are initiated. This policy aims to ensure the security and legality of our platform.

Tobacco and Alcohol Products
The prohibition of tobacco product advertisements on the platform is primarily based on prioritizing public health and user safety. In this regard, the publication of tobacco product advertisements is prevented due to the potential to promote harmful habits. Considering the widely known health risks associated with tobacco use and its potential for addiction, the absence of such advertisements on the platform encourages users to make healthy choices. Accordingly, Lobox has decided to restrict the advertisements of products and services that pose a risk to public health.

As Lobox, advertisements that promote alcohol products or make references to these products must fully comply with relevant laws, industry regulations, and necessary permits. Additionally, we must adhere strictly to the age and geographical restrictions specified in our targeting criteria. It's important to remember that alcohol advertisements are banned in some countries.

Advertisers must ensure full compliance with targeting and other legal requirements when creating their advertisements. Moreover, it's crucial to ensure that advertisements do not target individuals under the age of 18.

Advertisement of illegal, prescription, over-the-counter, or recreational drugs on the platform is strictly prohibited. This policy aims to safeguard the health of users and provide a secure environment. Promotion of illegal or uncontrolled drugs may expose users to potential health risks and lead them to procure drugs from unreliable sources. Therefore, Lobox enforces a stringent policy to prevent the promotion of illegal drugs while promoting proper usage of medications, in compliance with laws.

Firearms and Other Products Promoting Violence
Advertisement, usage, or sale of firearms, ammunition, fireworks, or other products or services containing violence on the platform is strictly prohibited. This policy aims to ensure the safety of users and prevent the spread of content containing violence. Uncontrolled promotion or access to firearms and similar products can lead to serious dangers and undermine the reliability of our platform. Therefore, Lobox rigorously monitors advertisements related to firearms and products containing violence and takes necessary measures to prevent the spread of such content.

Sexual Products and Dating Content
Advertisement of adult sexual products, dating content, and similar material on the platform is strictly prohibited; promotion of such products or services is not allowed. Advertisements for sexual health and reproductive health products must target individuals aged 18 and above and should not contain elements of sexual gratification.

In this regard, advertisements for adult products or services are not permitted as they may harm the community standards of the platform and the safety of users. This policy aims to provide a safe and family-friendly environment on the platform. Therefore, the publication or promotion of adult content advertisements is strictly prohibited, and necessary measures are taken to monitor and prevent such content.

Health Topics
Advertisements containing misleading statements regarding health and weight control, as well as those that are not appropriately targeted by Lobox, may be restricted.

Advertisements for weight loss products and services must target individuals aged 18 and above. Similarly, advertisements promoting cosmetic surgery and procedures must also target individuals aged 18 and above.

Advertisements promoting diets, health, or herbal supplements must also target individuals aged 18 or older.

Privacy is an area of responsibility for advertisers and requires compliance with privacy and data protection laws and regulations. You should refrain from using tracking cookies to monitor users on websites without their explicit consent and full disclosure. For more information on this matter, you can visit the Privacy Policy page.

Account Reliability
Those wishing to advertise must use authentic business profiles on our platform. In other words, advertisements can only be published through legitimate business pages. If it is determined that an advertisement has been posted by a fake account, the relevant advertiser will be adversely affected by this situation. In accordance with our community guidelines, we may block or delete fake user accounts. Additionally, advertisers should not use their commercial entities for misleading or erroneous purposes, nor should they behave similarly to previously removed similar business entities. When such behavior is detected, advertising restrictions may be applied to the relevant advertising account, page, user account, or business account.

Brand Infringement
The use of third-party trademarks in advertisements published on Lobox is prohibited without the explicit permission of the respective trademark owner. Trademarks, logos, service marks, or company names featured in advertisements should not be used in a manner that could cause confusion or create a misleading impression among users.

Copyright Infringement
The content of advertisements published on the Lobox platform must respect the copyrights of third parties. The use of any content in advertisements without explicit permission from the copyright holder is not appropriate. In case of suspicion of copyright infringement, you can visit our Copyright Policy page to submit a violation report. Advertisements may also include links directing to content, and the advertisement text may only mention "Lobox" in a limited manner. This can be done to clarify the advertisement's target more precisely. For more information on copyright, you can visit the Copyright page.

At Lobox, we allow advertisers to publish advertisements related to social issues, elections, or politics, provided they comply with relevant laws and internal company policies. However, Lobox reserves the right to restrict such advertisements when necessary. Additionally, some election-related content may be prohibited by local laws before voting or may be removed in certain.


Advertisements on the Lobox platform must adhere to the standards set by the platform. Advertisers must fully comply with laws and regulations, or they may face various consequences.

Ad targeting is done without using personal data and does not reflect personal characteristics. Once an advertisement is published, it becomes publicly available and accessible in various areas of the Lobox platform.

Advertisers managing ads on behalf of other advertisers must manage each client through separate accounts. Ensuring compliance with Lobox's advertising principles is the responsibility of advertisers.

Lobox reserves the right to refuse, approve, or remove advertisements promoting negative content or advertisements that violate the platform's policies. There are also cases where relevant permissions must be granted by Lobox.

Local regulations and policies are an important factor that advertisers must consider before publishing advertisements on the Lobox platform. This is because different countries may have different advertising standards and policies. Therefore, it is important for advertisers to understand local legal regulations in the regions they target before publishing their advertisements. This means that advertisers need to be careful to comply with local legal requirements and policies.

These principles may be subject to change without prior notice.