Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy

Effective on January 1, 2024

User or external user grants Lobox a non-exclusive consent to any content, feedback, and personal information that belongs to them, and this applies to all content, feedback, and personal information that belongs to the user or external user. When content within the scope of intellectual property rights is uploaded by the user or external user to the Lobox application, upon being published or shared in the Lobox application, the user or external user grants Lobox a non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, and international consent, valid until the content is deleted, to host, use, distribute, modify, operate, copy, publicly display or present, translate, and create derivatives of such content. Lobox takes into account the preferences of the user or external user regarding who can see their content, feedback, and personal information and how they can be used for advertising.

If content subject to intellectual property is shared by a user or external user with other users or external users as part of the service, the sharing party can terminate this consent by deleting specific content from the services or by closing their account, except for copying, resharing, or storing and backing up this content.

All intellectual property rights associated with the services are retained by Lobox. Trademarks and logos associated with the services and used accordingly are the respective trademarks of their owners. However, the Lobox logo and other trademarks associated with Lobox, graphics, logos used for the service, Lobox trademarks, or registered trademarks are the trademarks of Lobox.

When a non-exclusive consent is granted to Lobox, the content of this consent is a worldwide permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish, and operate the information and content provided through the services without any additional permission, notice, compensation to users, external users, or others. This permission also includes the right to transfer and sublicense this permission.

Content belonging to users or external users cannot be included in third-party services and published advertisements, including sponsored content, without the user's or external user's permission. However, Lobox has the right to display advertisements around user or external user information without making payments to the user or any other person. Lobox may incorporate social interactions and actions into advertisements as specified in the Privacy Policy. If a feature of a service is used by a user or external user, Lobox may mention the user's or external user's name or image prominently in the service, taking into account the user's or external user's settings, to promote this feature within the service.

Any user or external user wishing to grant permission for another user or external user to publish their own content outside of the services must obtain permission from the user or external user. Additionally, if a user or external user chooses to publish their content as "public, everyone, or similar," Lobox has a feature that allows other users or external users to place these publicly available posts into third-party services. Lobox allows search engines to discover publicly available content through its services.

If a user or external user modifies the content or performs actions such as editing, translating, copying, resizing, altering the layout, changing the file type, and/or formatting changes by removing metadata, this action cannot be interpreted as changing the meaning of the expression by Lobox.

The user or external user is the owner of the content and information; however, Lobox holds non-exclusive rights over the content and information. Under a Creative Commons license, each user or external user can provide content or information for use by others. However, if this content or information contains personal data, both parties agree to be subject to the Privacy Policy. It is accepted by every user or external user that, in accordance with Lobox's Privacy Policy provisions, user preferences, and settings, any user or external user may access, record, process, or use all information and personal data provided.

Users or external users may send suggestions or feedback to Lobox regarding the services. Lobox may use or share this feedback for any purpose without any compensation. Users or external users declare and agree that their Lobox profile will always contain accurate information and only provide information and content that they have the right to share. Additionally, users or external users declare and agree that they will not violate the rights of others when sharing content and information. Lobox may be required to remove certain information or content due to laws in certain countries. Any service may be modified, terminated, or discontinued by Lobox, and the price of any service may be changed by Lobox within the periods permitted by law, with notification.

Lobox does not undertake any obligations regarding the storage or display of information and content published by users or external users, as Lobox is not a storage service. Except as required by applicable laws and specified in Privacy Policies, Lobox has no obligation to store, preserve, or provide a copy of any information or content provided by a user, external user, or any other person to the relevant user, external user, or other individuals. Under the User Agreement, users or external users declare and accept that the information they publish is legal, accurate, and does not infringe on the rights of others. Lobox respects the intellectual property rights of all users, external users, and other individuals. Upon receiving a complaint, Lobox will act and will not host any content that violates intellectual property rights. This action by Lobox will consist of "removing or disabling" the content. If a violation of rights is continuously perpetrated, Lobox may close or disable the account of the user or group involved. Lobox will forward the complaint notification, including the contact information of the complainant but excluding their full name, to the offending user.

The user or external user who submits a complaint to Lobox declares and agrees that the complaint contains accurate information; otherwise, this will be the personal responsibility of the user or external user who submitted the complaint. If your complaints are related to issues other than copyright, you may visit our help pages.

Notice regarding news or article contents published on the Lobox application: Text, photo, audio, and/or video materials from the Associated Press may not be directly or indirectly used in any form of publication, broadcast, or distribution. AP materials and any part thereof cannot be stored on a computer or any device except for personal or non-commercial purposes. A significant portion of AP materials found on these websites should not be downloaded or reproduced by any user, external user, or other individual. The Associated Press will not be liable for any delay, error, inaccuracy, or fault, whether in whole or in part, in the transmission and distribution of these materials, nor for any damage arising therefrom.


Lobox has a designated officer responsible for handling complaints regarding copyright infringement. Filling out and sending a complaint form to Lobox will suffice to reach this officer. The complaint form you send should include the following information:

  1. The complainant's electronic or physical signature;

  2. A description of the alleged infringement;

  3. A statement indicating the location of the alleged infringement on Lobox;

  4. The complainant's name, surname, email address, postal address, and phone number;

  5. A clear declaration by the complainant that the infringement is real and that they accept personal responsibility if otherwise;

  6. A clear statement that the information in the notice is accurate and that the complainant is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner or that the complainant is the copyright owner, and an acknowledgment that perjury is a crime.


Individuals who have had complaints filed against them have the right to file a counter-complaint. The person filing the counter-complaint must complete the complaint form and send it to Lobox. The counter-complaint form should include the following information:

  1. The counter-complainant's electronic or physical signature;

  2. The content that has been disabled or removed from access;

  3. A clear declaration by the counter-complainant that the removal or disabling of the content was a mistake or that the content was misidentified, and an acknowledgment that perjury is a crime;

  4. The counter-complainant's name, surname, email address, postal address, and a clear declaration of consent to the jurisdiction of the Florida Courts and acceptance of service of process from the complainant's authorized representative.