User Agreement

Effective on January 1, 2024

Individuals or legal entities who use the Lobox application, access the Lobox application, or benefit in any way from the services provided by the Lobox application are deemed to have accepted the following written conditions and the policies of the Lobox application, which they are obligated to read. Any real or legal person who uses the services of the Lobox application, registers with the Lobox application, accesses the Lobox application, or interacts with the Lobox application by clicking on Lobox or similar expressions legally enters into a contract binding the parties with the Lobox application. However, real or legal persons who do not wish to be legally bound by a contract within the limits defined above with the Lobox application must not use the services of the Lobox application, must not register with the Lobox application, must not access the Lobox application, must not click on Lobox or similar expressions, and must not interact with the Lobox application.

If the termination of this contract is requested by the user, it will suffice for the user, whether an individual or a legal entity, to close their Lobox application account, terminate their access to the services of the Lobox application, and cease to benefit from the services of Lobox.

The legal owner of the Lobox application, IT&T Corporation, is the provider of the services offered in the Lobox application and owns all usage, disposal, and initiative rights related to the Lobox application. These conditions can be changed by IT&T Corporation or the Lobox application. Every real and legal person who benefits from the services of the Lobox application or accesses these services shall be deemed to have accepted any changes that can be made to these terms of use. The Lobox application, when making a change in this contract, will send or publish notifications via the services before the changes take effect, allowing you (the real or legal entity) to review these changes on the condition that they will not affect the past. If you do not accept any changes made by the Lobox application, closing your Lobox application account, terminating your access to the services of the Lobox application, and ceasing to benefit from the services of the Lobox application will suffice to terminate the contract you have accepted with the Lobox application; however, if you continue to use the Lobox application after the notification of changes made by Lobox and/or IT&T Corporation, you are deemed to have accepted the updated conditions from the date of validity.


The Privacy Policy explains how the Lobox application collects, uses, and shares information. To use the Lobox application, you must accept other policies, including the Privacy Policy initially. The Lobox application must collect and use user information to provide services to the user.


The legal parties to this agreement are real or legal persons registered with the Lobox application under the title of "user", real or legal persons under the title of "external user" which means unregistered users, and the Lobox application itself.


Lobox: An online-accessible platform offering various services and content, whose terms of use are determined and managed by IT&T Corporation.

User: Any real or legal person who is registered and uses Lobox-branded applications, sites, communication tools, and advertisements associated with Lobox or extensions such as "Share with Lobox" and "Apply with Lobox," or any opportunities offered by the Lobox application.

External User: Any real or legal person who uses the services offered by the Lobox application, accesses the Lobox application without registering. Certain services permitted by the Lobox application are open to users.

Services: The Lobox application and Lobox-branded applications, other sites, applications, communication tools, and advertisements associated with the Lobox application, extensions like "Share with Lobox" and "Apply with Lobox," data collection operations made for the Lobox application, and all other services provided under this agreement.

In the Lobox application, unlike existing applications and platforms, a "calendar module" is offered to users. Users within Lobox can use this module to schedule appointments with any real or legal person, and include meetings planned in other applications’ calendar platforms (Google, Outlook, Apple, etc.) into the Lobox calendar module to consolidate them in one place (the Lobox application). Users within the Lobox application can create tasks about any subject, assign other users to tasks, assign tasks to themselves, or create reminder notes.

Many date-required daily events (birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, user's national and religious holidays, commemoration and celebration days, other users' birthdays in the Lobox application, etc.) can be viewed from the calendar module. Thus, a user can send greetings to other users. Users can create their own hourly schedules within the "calendar module" and share these plans in the Lobox application via message, email, or any communication tool to other users. At the end of this process, the scheduled meetings or appointments are recorded in the "calendar module" for the set date and time. Users can track every stage of job applications within the job module found in the Lobox application. If the company to which an application is made has a request from the user, this request is specified in the "follow" area or the user is informed via a message.

In the Lobox application, news can be created from the company portal; articles, from the company or user portal. The relevant company or users can benefit from such news or articles through a "paid subscription." Users can share these news or articles without the obligation to post them as "posts," by liking or commenting through buttons under the detail name. Objects or parts of another module located in the "discover module" of the Lobox application can be suggested by Users to other users or to all users. A user can suggest content from their profile or any module within the Lobox application as recommendations to other users.

Link: A connection that facilitates access to other websites, files, or content from the Lobox application, or access to the Lobox application from another content, file, or website.

Content: Any type of program, file, information, image, number, visual, etc., written or auditory data published or accessible from the Lobox application or any other website.

Terms of Use Agreement: This agreement electronically made between the Lobox application and any real or legal person who uses the Lobox application, accesses the Lobox application, or benefits in any way from the services provided by the Lobox application.

Personal data/information: Any information related to an identified or identifiable real person. (Includes identity, addresses, email address, telephone number, IP address, units of the Lobox application visited, domain type, type of electronic browser, date and time of visit, etc., of real persons who use, access, or benefit from the Lobox application, including personal identity numbers.)

Minimum Age: The minimum age required to use the Lobox application is "16 years." Additionally, users, whether as "user" or "external user," must be older if continued service delivery without parental consent (including the use of personal information) is required, and "minimum age" is defined as this age.


Users or external users of the Lobox application must have reached the defined minimum age of 16; the services provided by Lobox are not intended for those below this age. Users or external users must meet this minimum age requirement. Otherwise, creating accounts with false or inaccurate information, including for minors below the minimum age, constitutes a violation of this agreement.

Users are allowed only one Lobox account, which must use their real name. Users or external users must not be restricted from accessing services offered by the Lobox application and must not have been convicted of any sexual offenses. A user’s account should not have been previously closed by Lobox due to violations of "Lobox policies, Terms of Use Agreement" or laws. The discretion to allow a new account for a user whose account was closed due to any condition or violation of laws resides with the Lobox application. However, this does not justify the reasons for the account’s closure. A Lobox user may not impersonate another person or entity and cannot create an account for another person without their explicit permission.


The user is the owner of the account, whether an individual or a legal entity. It is the user's responsibility to create and use a strong password, maintain its confidentiality, and not share the account with anyone. The user is responsible for all activities conducted through their account until it is reported for misuse or closed. The user agrees to adhere in advance to Lobox policies, laws, and the terms of this agreement.

Each user's account is personal and confidential, and no third party, including employers, has the right to use it. However, if a service has been purchased by an employer for the user's use (e.g., a Recruiter license), the employer has the authority to control access to this paid service and retain reports on its use.


When users and external users agree to this agreement, they consent to receive notifications and messages from the Lobox application (e.g., via email, mobile number, address). However, it is necessary for the user to keep their contact information within their Lobox account up-to-date to ensure the delivery of important information.



Users and external users declare and agree in advance to comply with all applicable laws (including but not limited to privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, export control laws, and tax laws).


Users and external users commit to providing accurate and current information to the Lobox application, using their real names in their profiles, and maintaining a professional demeanor while using the Lobox application. They agree not to misrepresent themselves, create a false identity, create a user profile on behalf of any other real or legal person, use or attempt to use another person’s account.


Users and external users agree not to bypass or disable any access control or service usage limits, not to invalidate any security features, not to take control of the services, and not to develop, support, or use any software, device, command, robot, or other means or processes to copy profiles or other data from the services.

Users and external users agree not to violate any intellectual property or other rights of the Lobox application, not to copy or distribute training videos or any materials, not to copy, use, disclose, or distribute information obtained from the services directly or through third parties, not to disclose or reveal confidential information of others, including employers, and not to infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other property rights of others. Users will not copy, distribute (except for the sharing feature), or use postings or other content of users without obtaining permission from the respective individuals, under circumstances subject to "Creative Commons" license. Unless published under open-source licenses, users and external users agree not to copy, distribute, or use the Lobox technology, nor use the word "Lobox" and its logos in any corporate, council, or organization name, email, or URL outside the specified conditions in Lobox policies.

Users and external users agree not to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the services or any related technology that is not open source; not to send any software viruses, worms, or other harmful code; and unless explicitly permitted by Lobox, not to imply or state that they are affiliated with or endorsed by Lobox, not to rent, lend, sell, or otherwise monetize the services or related information or access.

Users and external users agree not to create "deep links" to the services for any purpose other than recognizing a group within the profiles or services without Lobox’s permission, not to use bots or other automated methods to access the services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages, not to disrupt the operation of the services, or apply elements like spam, service denial attacks, viruses, or gaming algorithms that exceed reasonable limits, not to monitor the availability, performance, or functionality of the services for competitive purposes, not to frame, mirror, or otherwise simulate the appearance or function of the services, and not to shut down or alter the services or their appearances.

When a user registers for a service or begins using a Lobox service, they agree not to violate Lobox Policies.



All content, feedback, and personal information belong to the user and external user. However, users and external users grant a non-exclusive consent to the Lobox application regarding these items. Lobox, under this consent, processes all content, feedback, and personal information considering the preferences of the user or external user on who can see these informations and how they are used for advertising. The content of this consent granted to Lobox is as follows: A worldwide valid permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, or publish the information and content within the services, and to transfer and sublicense this permission, without any permissions, notifications, or payments to users, external users, or others. Users and external users can terminate this consent by "deleting these contents from the services or generally closing their accounts," except for sharing, copying, re-sharing, storing, and backing up by other users.

Without the consent of the user or external user, their information and content will not be included in advertisements for third-party services and products, including sponsored content. However, Lobox retains the right to present advertisements around the user or external user content or information without payment to the user, external user, or others. If a user or external user uses a service feature, depending on user settings, Lobox may highlight the user or external user's name or picture to promote this feature within the services.

Users and external users cannot publish content belonging to them outside the services without the consent of the relevant user or external user. First, they must obtain permission from the relevant user or external user. If Lobox chooses to publish user or external user content as "public, everyone, or similar," it can place other users' and external users' publicly accessible posts into third-party services. Lobox allows its services to find users' and external users' publicly accessible content. Even if modifications like editing, translating, resizing, layout changing, file type altering, or removing metadata are made to the content, these actions should not be interpreted as altering the meaning of the expression by Lobox.

Lobox has non-exclusive rights over the content and information of users and external users, and under the Creative Commons license, Lobox may opt to offer this information for the use of other users or external users. Parties acknowledge that if the content includes personal data, it is subject to the Lobox Privacy Policy, and all information and personal data presented according to user or external user preferences and settings are accessible and can be recorded and processed by Lobox.

Lobox may use and share any suggestion or feedback from users and external users for any purpose without payment, even if not obliged to do so. Users and external users declare and agree that they only offer information and content they have the right to share, and that the user's Lobox profile contains accurate information, will not infringe on others' rights, and that content information will be shared without infringing on others' rights. Lobox may be required by law in some countries to remove certain information or content.


Lobox reserves the right to change the price or content of any service, suspend, or terminate a service, by providing notice within the periods allowed by law. Lobox is not a storage service and does not commit to storing or displaying any information or content published by the user or external user. However, Lobox is not obligated to store any information or content provided by the user or external user or to provide a copy of it, except as required by applicable law and as specified in the Lobox Privacy Policy.


Through Lobox, third parties may offer their products and services, but Lobox is not responsible for these third-party activities. It is the user's or external user's responsibility to use the information and content involved in these third-party activities. Lobox generally does not review the content provided by users, external users, or other individuals. Accordingly, while using Lobox services, users or external users may encounter inaccurate, incomplete, delayed, misleading, illegal, offensive, or harmful content or information. Lobox is not responsible for the content or information of users, external users, or third parties. Preventing misuse of Lobox services is not always possible, and Lobox is not liable for such misuse. Users or external users accept the risk of being mistakenly associated with the content related to other users or external users when mentioned in news or notifications to their connections or followers. You can find more information on how users manage these situations on our help page about being mentioned in news.

To offer, fulfill, or purchase Lobox services, one must be at least 16 years old. Lobox may assist in establishing connections between users providing services and users or external users seeking services, either for a fee or free of charge. Lobox does not provide these services itself and does not employ individuals to provide these services. Lobox declares that it does not manage, direct, control, or monitor the users or external users who offer these services. Users and external users acknowledge that Lobox does not endorse any services offered or performed by users or external users and that no transaction creates an employment, agency, or partnership relationship between Lobox and the service providers. If a user is providing a service, they guarantee they have the necessary permissions and will provide the services in accordance with Lobox policies.

Lobox may assist users, external users, or other users in registering for or participating in events and connecting with other participants in these events, either for a fee or free of charge. However, Lobox is not responsible for the behavior or attitudes of individuals, users, or external users at such events. Lobox does not research or review the content of such events, and users or external users are obligated to comply with these terms and conditions when applying to participate in such events.


Lobox reserves the right to limit the use of services, including the ability of users or external users to connect with others. In the event of a violation of this agreement or laws, or if abuse of the services is detected, Lobox has the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate an account. Content shared by the user that is against Community Policies, such as political propaganda, illegal activities, sale or advertising of legally prohibited products or services, or links providing access to such content, can be removed by Lobox upon a re-review request.


Lobox reserves all intellectual property rights in its services. Any infringement of another's intellectual property rights by a user or external user, without a legal exception, constitutes a breach of this agreement. Trademarks and logos used in connection with Lobox services are the trademarks and logos of their respective owners. The Lobox logo and other Lobox trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lobox. When content is shared, published, or uploaded to the Lobox application by a user or external user, they grant a non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of that content, valid until the content is deleted.


Information and data provided by users or external users to the Lobox application can be used to suggest connections, content, and features that may be useful to users or external users. This information helps to keep the user profile accurate and up-to-date and to provide relevant and beneficial information to the user.


Unless otherwise stated, Lobox services are free.

Ads related to the services used by a user or external user are targeted at their viewing. Personal data of the user or external user is used to personalize these advertisements. Only reports related to the advertisements are provided to the advertisers; personal data of the user or external user is not shared with the advertiser without their explicit consent. Parties to this agreement accept that information related to payment obligations, including costs and taxes that may be added later, will be retained. Additionally, when a user purchases one of the premium services, they agree to the specific payment terms for that service, including fees and taxes. Fees related to the service may be added later due to location, exchange rate differences, or other pricing variations; failure to pay these fees results in termination of the agreement and the end of the subscription.

Lobox may retain and charge your payment method to prevent interruptions in paid services even after their expiration and to use in transactions for other purchasable services. At the beginning of each subscription period, if a user purchases a subscription, the applicable fee, taxes, etc., for that period are automatically charged from the payment method. To prevent any unintended charges, cancellation must be done before the renewal date. Information on how to cancel or stop premium services or other paid subscriptions can be found on the help page for canceling a premium subscription. All purchase transactions related to the services are subject to Lobox’s refund policy. Taxes payable are calculated according to the billing information provided during the purchase transaction. A copy of the invoice can be accessed from the purchase history section in the Lobox account settings.


When a user or external user shares information on the Lobox application, they acknowledge that this information can be seen, copied, and used by others. Lobox provides various means for sending messages and sharing information, including profiles, posts, news links, job postings, messages, and emails. Information and content shared via Lobox can be viewed by other users, external users, or individuals outside of the Lobox services. However, in scenarios where the user or external user is allowed to set usage preferences, Lobox takes into account the choices made regarding who can see their content or information. If a user or external user applies to a job posting or shows interest in a job through Lobox services, this action is only shared with the person who posted the job. Lobox is not obligated to publish any information or content related to its services and may remove them with or without notice.


No Warranty

Lobox and its affiliates do not guarantee that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free, nor do they make any other commitments or warranties related to the services. Content, information, or services are provided by Lobox "as is" and "as available." Lobox and its affiliates disclaim, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all implied or statutory warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy of data, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose.

No Liability

Within the limits permitted by applicable law, Lobox and its affiliates are not liable for any loss of profits, business opportunities, reputation, data, or for indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages arising under this agreement, unless there is a separate written agreement that overrides this agreement. Lobox and its affiliates are not liable for amounts exceeding the total fees paid to Lobox for the services during the contract term or, in any case, not exceeding 1000 USD.


The limitations on liabilities are fundamental to the agreement even if Lobox or its affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damages and these remedies fail their essential purpose. These limitations do not apply in cases of death or personal injury, fraud, gross negligence, willful misconduct, or breach of a material contractual obligation, where the damages are a foreseeable consequence directly related to the breach in the context of this agreement, and only to the extent that such damages are typical for this type of contract. These exceptions ensure that essential contractual obligations, which form the basis of the agreement and on which the parties can reasonably rely, are met even if other remedies fail.


Lobox may assign this agreement, in whole or in part, at any time without notice, but the user may not assign this agreement, either partially or wholly. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this agreement. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time by notifying the other party. Upon termination, the user’s rights to access and use the services will also terminate. However, rights concerning the use and publication of feedback, the right of users to reshare content and information previously shared in the services, and other rights specified to continue in case of termination in the agreement will persist after termination. Any debts owed by any party before the termination of the agreement must be paid to the other party after termination.


The parties agree that the laws of the State of Florida, USA, excluding its conflict of laws rules, shall exclusively govern any disputes arising out of or related to this agreement or the services. Furthermore, the parties agree that any such claims and disputes can only be litigated in the federal or state courts of Miami, Florida, USA, and the parties consent to personal jurisdiction in these courts. Should any court determine that any provision of this agreement is unenforceable, the parties agree that the court may modify the provisions to make them enforceable. If the court cannot make such provisions enforceable, the parties request the court to remove the unenforceable part and enforce the remainder of the agreement.

This agreement and any additional terms agreed upon between the parties constitute the sole agreement between the parties regarding the services provided by Lobox.

The failure of Lobox to enforce any right or provision of this agreement does not constitute a waiver of that right or provision. If the agreement is translated into a language other than English, the translation is for convenience only and the English language version shall prevail.


For legal notices and processes, Lobox can be reached at the following addresses:

Questions or complaints related to this agreement can be emailed to or mailed to 1250 Wigwam Parkway, Unit: 14312, Henderson, NV, 89074, USA.

Users and external users acknowledge that the only way to legally notify Lobox is through the specified address.